Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Jom kita pergi shopping.."
Suami : "Jom....dari duduk rumah, bosan pulak."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Jom kita pergi shopping.."
Suami : "Abang penat laaa.......Ayang pergi sendiri laaaa....."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Jom kita pergi shopping.."
Suami : "Apa la shopping, buat habis duit jer..."
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Hari ni kita makan kat kedai ye..."
Suami : " problem..."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Hari ni kita makan kat kedai ye..."
Suami : "Awak tak boleh masak ke ?..."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Hari ni kita makan kat kedai ye..."
Suami : "Lebih baik kahwin lain yang boleh masak untuk abang.."
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang mengandung...."
Suami : "Abang tak sabar nak lihat anak kita..."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Abang, tolong buat susu anak..."
Suami : "Abang mengantuk laaa...Ayang buat laaa..."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Cuba awak tegur anak tu sikit.."
Suami : "Haiiii.....anak awak...awak ajelah yang tegur..."
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami : " problem..."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami : "Saya penat, awak aje lah yang buat..."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang masak, Abang kemas rumah ye..."
Suami : "Awak tak buat keee..."
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?..."
Suami : "Apa yang ayang inginkan..."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?..."
Suami : "Setiap tahun saya berikan...tak cukup lagi ke ?..."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?..."
Suami : "Tak payah le hadiah-hadiahhhhh...."
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang tak pandai masak.."
Suami : "Takpe, biar Abang masak..."
Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang tak pandai masak.."
Suami : "Masak jer la apa2 jer...."
Penghujung Perkahwinan
Isteri : "Ayang tak pandai masak.."
Suami : "Awak ni memang pemalas..."
Friday, January 18, 2013
(Got from one of the emails I received.....)
Husband & Wife - Why Divorce?
In a divorce court, a woman requested the judge.
"Your honor, I want to divorce my husband."
"But why ?" asked the judge.
She replied, "Because he is not faithful to me."
The judge asked, "How do you know ?"
She replied, "My Lord, not a single child resembles him."
Husband & Wife - Love Your Enemy
From his death bed, the husband called his wife and said,
"One month after I die, I want you to marry Sam."
"Sam ! But he is your enemy !"
"Yes, I know that ! I've suffered all these years so let him suffer now."
Husband & Wife - Wedding Ring
At the cocktail party, one woman said to another,
"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger ?"
The other replied, "Yes I am. I married the wrong man."
Husband & Wife - Why ?
"Dad, I was away for a week. Yesterday I sent a fax to my wife I'd be home that night, and when I got into my room, I found my wife in another man's arms. Why Dad ? Tell me why !"
Dad kept silent for a few minutes, than coolly said, "Maybe, Son, she didn't get the fax."
Husband & Wife - Same Service
A husband visited a marriage counselor and said,
"When we first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years, it's all different. I come home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking."
"Why complain ?' said the counselor. "You're still getting the same service !"
Husband & Wife - Talk About Husband
One woman told another : "My neighbour is always speaking ill of her husband, but look at me, my husband is foolish, lazy and a coward; but have I ever said anything bad about him?"
Husband & Wife - Love To Do
A wife, one evening, drew her husband's attention to the couple next door and said, "Do you see that couple ? How devoted they are ? He kisses her every time they meet. Why don't you do
that ?"
"I would love to." Replied the husband. "But I don't know her well enough."
Husband & Wife - No Answer Back
A man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts shouting at me, my children and even at our dogs and nobody dares answer her,"
One of his friends asked, "And when you are angry, what do you
The man replied,"I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer back."
Husband & Wife - Come Home Late
A woman was complaining to the neighbour that her husband always come home late, no matter how she tried to stop him.
"Take my advice,"said the neighbour,"And do what I did. Once mu husband came home at three o'clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: Is that you, Jim ? And that cured him."
"Cured him !" asked the woman, "But how ?"
The neighbour said, "You see, his name is Bill."
Husband & Wife - Problem Father
"You looked troubled," I told my friend, "What's your problem ?"
He replied, "I'm going to be a father."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful ? My wife doesn't know about it yet."
Husband & Wife - Why Divorce?
In a divorce court, a woman requested the judge.
"Your honor, I want to divorce my husband."
"But why ?" asked the judge.
She replied, "Because he is not faithful to me."
The judge asked, "How do you know ?"
She replied, "My Lord, not a single child resembles him."
Husband & Wife - Love Your Enemy
From his death bed, the husband called his wife and said,
"One month after I die, I want you to marry Sam."
"Sam ! But he is your enemy !"
"Yes, I know that ! I've suffered all these years so let him suffer now."
Husband & Wife - Wedding Ring
At the cocktail party, one woman said to another,
"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger ?"
The other replied, "Yes I am. I married the wrong man."
Husband & Wife - Why ?
"Dad, I was away for a week. Yesterday I sent a fax to my wife I'd be home that night, and when I got into my room, I found my wife in another man's arms. Why Dad ? Tell me why !"
Dad kept silent for a few minutes, than coolly said, "Maybe, Son, she didn't get the fax."
Husband & Wife - Same Service
A husband visited a marriage counselor and said,
"When we first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years, it's all different. I come home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking."
"Why complain ?' said the counselor. "You're still getting the same service !"
Husband & Wife - Talk About Husband
One woman told another : "My neighbour is always speaking ill of her husband, but look at me, my husband is foolish, lazy and a coward; but have I ever said anything bad about him?"
Husband & Wife - Love To Do
A wife, one evening, drew her husband's attention to the couple next door and said, "Do you see that couple ? How devoted they are ? He kisses her every time they meet. Why don't you do
that ?"
"I would love to." Replied the husband. "But I don't know her well enough."
Husband & Wife - No Answer Back

One of his friends asked, "And when you are angry, what do you
The man replied,"I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer back."
Husband & Wife - Come Home Late
A woman was complaining to the neighbour that her husband always come home late, no matter how she tried to stop him.
"Take my advice,"said the neighbour,"And do what I did. Once mu husband came home at three o'clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: Is that you, Jim ? And that cured him."
"Cured him !" asked the woman, "But how ?"
The neighbour said, "You see, his name is Bill."
Husband & Wife - Problem Father
"You looked troubled," I told my friend, "What's your problem ?"
He replied, "I'm going to be a father."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful ? My wife doesn't know about it yet."
(One of the emails I received from my dearest friend)
Budin seorang yang amat benci kucing, entah apa silap yang telah dibuat oleh kucing padanya tiada siapa yang tahu.
Walaupun begitu, jodoh pertemuan sememangnya ketentuan Ilahi, Budin bertemu jodoh dengan Gayah yang sememangnya amat suka dan cinta pada kucing.
Bukan itu sahaja, sebelum berkahwin dengan Budin, Gayah sudah sedia ada membela seekor kucing siam.
Maka dari hari ke hari, bertambah benci dan meluatlah Budin pada kucing terutamanya si Tompok, kucing siam peliharaan isterinya.
Apa tidaknya, Gayah lebih memberi tumpuan kepada si Tompok dalam kehidupan sehariannya.
Hal ini membuatkan Budin beranggapan, Gayah lebih sayangkan si Tompok berbanding dengan dirinya.
Akibat tidak mahu terus tertekan dengan keadaan ini, Budin membuat rancangan untuk mengusir si Tompok dari hidupnya dan hidup isterinya, Gayah.
Makan, bermulalah rancangan jahat Budin.
Pucuk dicitam mendatang, ketika isterinya sedang asyik mandi, Budin dengan tanpa segan silunya telah menangkap si Tompok, disumbat dalam karung beras Mahsuri. Tanpa berlengah terus merempit motor kapcainya sehingga jauh dari rumahnya, lebih kurang 10 km, lalu dihumbanlah di Tompok tanpa belas kasihan.
Dengan hati gembira, baliklah dia ke rumah dengan siulan mengikut rentak lagu "Cindai" nyanyian Siti Nurhaliza.
Tapi, kegembiraan hanyalah sementara bila tiba di rumah, si Tompok dengan sombong bongkaknya melanggok depan pinta lagaknya menyambut kepulangan Budin.
Sakitnya hati Budin tak dapat digambarkan.
Besoknya, Budin meneruskan rancangan jahatnya.
Kali ini lebih jauh dibawa si Tompok, 20 km dari rumahnya.
Tetapi seperti semalam, Tompok berjaya mendahuluinya pulang ke rumah.
Budin tidak putus asa begitu sahaja, alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar habis basah sampai ke pangkal lengan.
Maka nekadlah Budin, kali ini di bukan sahaja hendak buang Tompok lagi jauh tapi dibawanya Tompok pusing-pusing dahulu.
Habis semua jalan ditempuh, sekejap ke kiri, sekejap ke kanan, yang bengkok, segala corner, segala selekoh habis dirempitnya dan akhirnya Tompok dibuang begitu sahaja.
Selang beberapa minit kemudian, Budin menelefon Gayah....
Budin : Ayang, Tompok ada kat dalam rumah tak?
tanya Budin dengan penuh suspen lagi berdebar-debar....
Gayah : Ada....ada dekat dengan pintu tu ha.....Kenapa?
tanya Gayah kehairanan.....
Budin : Panggil dia !
herdik Budin dengan nada yang tinggi....
Gayah : Kenapa?
tanya Gayah lagi....
Budin : Aku nak tanya dia, bagaimana nak balik ke rumah. Aku dah sesat ni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Budin seorang yang amat benci kucing, entah apa silap yang telah dibuat oleh kucing padanya tiada siapa yang tahu.
Walaupun begitu, jodoh pertemuan sememangnya ketentuan Ilahi, Budin bertemu jodoh dengan Gayah yang sememangnya amat suka dan cinta pada kucing.
Bukan itu sahaja, sebelum berkahwin dengan Budin, Gayah sudah sedia ada membela seekor kucing siam.
Maka dari hari ke hari, bertambah benci dan meluatlah Budin pada kucing terutamanya si Tompok, kucing siam peliharaan isterinya.
Apa tidaknya, Gayah lebih memberi tumpuan kepada si Tompok dalam kehidupan sehariannya.
Hal ini membuatkan Budin beranggapan, Gayah lebih sayangkan si Tompok berbanding dengan dirinya.
Akibat tidak mahu terus tertekan dengan keadaan ini, Budin membuat rancangan untuk mengusir si Tompok dari hidupnya dan hidup isterinya, Gayah.
Makan, bermulalah rancangan jahat Budin.
Pucuk dicitam mendatang, ketika isterinya sedang asyik mandi, Budin dengan tanpa segan silunya telah menangkap si Tompok, disumbat dalam karung beras Mahsuri. Tanpa berlengah terus merempit motor kapcainya sehingga jauh dari rumahnya, lebih kurang 10 km, lalu dihumbanlah di Tompok tanpa belas kasihan.
Dengan hati gembira, baliklah dia ke rumah dengan siulan mengikut rentak lagu "Cindai" nyanyian Siti Nurhaliza.
Tapi, kegembiraan hanyalah sementara bila tiba di rumah, si Tompok dengan sombong bongkaknya melanggok depan pinta lagaknya menyambut kepulangan Budin.
Sakitnya hati Budin tak dapat digambarkan.
Besoknya, Budin meneruskan rancangan jahatnya.
Kali ini lebih jauh dibawa si Tompok, 20 km dari rumahnya.
Tetapi seperti semalam, Tompok berjaya mendahuluinya pulang ke rumah.
Budin tidak putus asa begitu sahaja, alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar habis basah sampai ke pangkal lengan.

Habis semua jalan ditempuh, sekejap ke kiri, sekejap ke kanan, yang bengkok, segala corner, segala selekoh habis dirempitnya dan akhirnya Tompok dibuang begitu sahaja.
Selang beberapa minit kemudian, Budin menelefon Gayah....
Budin : Ayang, Tompok ada kat dalam rumah tak?
tanya Budin dengan penuh suspen lagi berdebar-debar....
Gayah : Ada....ada dekat dengan pintu tu ha.....Kenapa?
tanya Gayah kehairanan.....
Budin : Panggil dia !
herdik Budin dengan nada yang tinggi....
Gayah : Kenapa?
tanya Gayah lagi....
Budin : Aku nak tanya dia, bagaimana nak balik ke rumah. Aku dah sesat ni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to let it go?.....How to deal with it?......How?.....How?.....
So guys, if you facing this problem...plzzz read the article to manage ur stress problem.....Sharing Is Caring, right?..... :-)
Credited to New Straits Times published on 9/1/2013

While most of us never have to deal with life-or-death situation of a bomb squad, everyday situation such as job interviews, public speaking and family emergencies, can be every bit as stressful if we are not accustomed to dealing with them.
Learning how to remain calm in times of stress will not only make things go more smoothly, it can also help you lead a better, healthier and happier life.
Learning how to remain calm in times of stress will not only make things go more smoothly, it can also help you lead a better, healthier and happier life.
Here's how to keep you cool when you under pressure :
Is your heart pounding because someone just cut you off on the highway, or is it because of that presentation you have to give to your boss this afternoon? Think for a moment, and try to figure out what is really bothering you.
Choose your response
Even if you are powerless to change the source of your stress, you have the power to choose how you will respond to it. The appropriate response to stress should depend on what is causing it : you can either shake off your stress (ignore it, and let it go immediately) or face it head-on. In order to choose your response, ask yourself some questions :
- Does it matter? Yes, it is all small stuff, but how long will the source of these stress affect you?
- How much control do you have over the situation? You can't control the rain that's ruining your wedding, but you can control how well do your algebra test tomorrow.
- Is the source of stress in the past, present, or in the future? You can't change the past, but you can respond to the present, and prepare for the future. Let your past troubles fade away.
If a situation is beyond your control, or it is just isn't that important, stop worrying about it. Easier said than done?
- Inhale deeply. In your mind, count to five, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, for another five seconds. Repeat this breathing pattern until you feel comfortable with it.
- Think about something else. Get your mind off the stress by thinking about something that makes you happy.
- Visualise relaxing things, such as deserted island, or a country road. Close your eyes and try to picture even minor details about the imaginary place, instead of the one you are in.
- Get away from the cause of the stress. if you can physically escape these stress trigger, do so. Leave the room, or pull off the road for a moment to put things into perspective.
- get some exercise. Whether you go for a run, do calisthenics, do yoga, of lift weights, 10 - 20 minutes of physical exercise every day can relax you even when "nothing can".

Face your stress source head-on when you are ready
Getting stressed is not going to resolve the situation. Facing your stress head-on is really just a way to shake off a bad situation that you cannot, or should not ignore. If you can change the outcome of a situation that matters to you, the quickest way to overcome that fear or empower yourself is to take action as quickly as possible.
Sometimes you can resolve a stressful situation right away with one action, but often you will need several steps, perhaps over a long period. Write out a plan with attainable goals and a time line for reaching those goals.

Take one step at a time
A complex problem can be overwhelming, even when you have got your plan mapped out, but remember : the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Just focus on one small goal at a time.
Be realistic
In a culture that values a can-do attitude, it can be hard to accept that sometimes you can't do something, at least not within a given period of time. If that is the case, revise your time line or lower your expectations. If you can't do that, the situation qualifies as one which you can't control. Learn from your experience, but let it go.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Rasa mcm dah lama aku tak hang out ramai2 dgn family aku....Susah nak carik masa yg sesuai apatah lagi bila dah duduk jauh2 ni...Parent kat Kuching, aku kat Segamat, hubby kat Bangi and adik + hubby kat Seri Kembangan....
Cuma baru2 ni ada kesempatan dpt berkumpul semua bila my parent dtg sini....and one place yg kitorg pegi....dinner at German Deli Imbiss...
1st time aku mkn kat sini....
Tempatnya taklah jauh sangat....dekat area Ampang dan tak jauh dari Hospital Ampang Puteri...
Cuma yg buat aku surprise tu...some of their foods with bigger size...XXL lagi...tercengang aku kejap sampai aku terpikir, mcm mana nak abis ni?....tapi memang kenyanglah mkn kat situ...dan mata pun mulalah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........................
My mom with bigger glass....Share 3 org sbb tak larat nak abiskan....
Cuba bandingkan perbezaannya....
Hubby with sausage....Size XXL...jenuh jgk nak abiskan...
Ni yg buat aku tercengang....Mihun soup dlm mangkuk beso...ntah apa yg abah aku godek2 tu....
My bro in law with burger...ada lagi yg besar dari ni..
Yg ni dinner aku....Spaghetti with meatball...
And mashed potato....yg ni saiz kecik je....
Silalah makan semua...
Licin jugak akhirnya....hasil perkongsian ramai2....hehehe
Kiranya berbaloi jugaklah makan kat sini....kenyang giler and rasanya pun boleh tahan....
Uolls kalau nak try, moh lah datang....gerenti puas hati....
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